Is it worth it to keep putting in more money to fix your AC unit or is it wiser to buy a new one? There are some factors that can help you to determine whether or not to get a new air conditioner or to just maintain and fix your air conditioner. Here are some of them.
1. How old is it?
One sure-fire way to know whether to replace it or not is to take the age of your air conditioner and multiply it by how much it will cost to do repairs after getting a quote from companies like Brisbane Air. If the number is over five thousand, then it’s probably better to get a newer air conditioner. You don’t want to keep wasting your money on something that will keep breaking down over and over again.
2. Is it energy efficient?
If your air conditioner is decades old, it’s probably using a tonne of voltage. Most older units are not equipped with new technology that cuts down electricity usage significantly. If you notice you keep spending too much money on your power bill, it’s time to change to a new unit preferably one with an inverter that reduces power usage. Consider changing your unit maybe after you’ve had it running for 15 years.
3. Is it leaking?
If you continue to need top ups with refrigerant, that might indicate that there is a constant leak. Fixing leaks and buying more refrigerant can add up and may cost just as much as buying a new basic air conditioning unit. It might just be worth it to get a new one that doesn’t leak.
4. Is there anything else wrong with it?
If you’ve had the same AC for years and it has never given you problems, then there is no need to replace it. Why fix or replace something that isn’t broken? Keep it running and maintain it until it’s not maintainable or not fixable or it costs too much to fix.
5. Are you going to be moving?
If you are going to live or work somewhere else and the AC unit is going to be sold along with the home or commercial building, you might not need to buy a new one for your old home or commercial building unless it’s specified in the sale papers that they need to be replaced before the sale. Just get them their regular maintenance and cleaning as usual until the sale is final. If the AC unit is not included in the sale and the unit is newer, it might be worth it to take the AC unit with you to install in your new home or commercial building. It will save you from buying another unit.
6. Can you replace it with a used unit?
If you really need to replace your AC unit but can’t afford it, you might need to think about getting a used unit that’s already proven to be energy efficient. Just make sure it works and has been maintained properly before you buy it. Check out its history and ask why it’s being sold to make sure you’re not getting a lemon.