For most people in Brisbane, air conditioning is an important part of everyday life. So it’s important to know that when you need it, it’s going to work and work well. We’ve all heard horror stories of air conditioning units not functioning properly when they are most needed, and a breakdown always seems to happen to everyone at the same time with the result of technician being in short supply.
Fortunately there are a few things you can do that will not only ensure your air conditioning unit is in tip-top condition when you most need it, but also mean it will last longer. You will have a more efficient, and therefore cheaper, system throughout its longer life.
1) Regular Maintenance
The number one tip for keeping your air conditioner in perfect condition longer is to give it a regular check up with a qualified air conditioning technician. Brisbane Air has a number of maintenance programs that will suit your system and your pocket. The best time for this maintenance work is prior to Spring, and before the weather starts to heat up and the system is made ready to go through maximum strain and workload.
2) Keep the condenser clean
Over the winter it’s possible that debris will have blown into the condensing unit. A simple five minute check once every week will help you spot any offending material, which can then be easily removed. Be careful when cleaning, though, and don’t use water: the unit is powered by electricity, and the last thing you want is an electric shock.
3) Shade your outside unit
If it’s at all possible, you should give your outside unit some shade. Natural trees and shrubs are great for this, but be careful that they are an absolute minimum of one foot away from the unit. Not only is this going to help prolong the life of your unit, but it will also cut down on bills.
4) Take care with your pipes
All duct pipe should be properly sealed, creating an airtight passage. Using a good quality sealing tape will prevent peeling.
5) Clean and check your filter regularly
Filters can get clogged quite quickly, especially in dusty environments and therefore regular cleaning is essential to allow the unit to work properly. When filters get worn out, or damaged, they should be replaced. These simple acts are going to make your air conditioner more energy efficient, and with the added benefit of ensuring pollen and dust is not circulated in the home. A Brisbane Air technician will be able to advise how long to leave between filter cleans.
The bottom line
By taking these five simple preventative measures, you’ll ensure your unit lasts longer, gives a better performance when you need it most, and save hundreds, if not thousands, of dollars throughout its lifetime.
Our fully qualified technician will be happy to discuss these and other money saving and unit life-prolonging tips with you as part of the Brisbane Air service.