What’s the Most Efficient Air Conditioner?
One of the most common questions that our technicians are asked by customers is to name the most efficient air conditioner. However, in exactly the same way that different people find different cars are best for them so, too, will customers find that the most efficient air conditioner for them may not be the same as that owned by their neighbour.
A better question to ask is, “How do I choose the best air conditioner?”
The functions of an air conditioner
The first thing to consider is the use your air conditioner will be put to. In general, the air conditioning unit that sits outside your home will be required to do three things:
- Cool (or heat) your home
- Regulate room temperature
- Purify the air and remove condensation
Determining the best air conditioner for your circumstances requires consideration of how the air conditioning unit will best achieve these objectives.
With air conditioning units, size really does matter
If your air conditioning unit is too small, it won’t be able to work hard enough to keep your room cool or remove air moisture. A common mistake is to buy a unit that is not man enough to do the job in efforts to reduce energy consumption.
On the other hand, a unit that is too big could add hundreds of wasted dollars to your annual electricity bill.
How much energy will your unit use?
Similar size units can compare entirely differently in the amount of energy they use. To help compare energy efficiency, here in Australia we use a star ratings system with the most
efficient unit rated at 10 stars. This rating will also help you estimate how much electricity the unit will use over a year, helping you to budget accordingly.
Don’t forget how the unit looks
The size and energy rating of your unit is only part of the story. It will also need to be designed well enough to withstand both summer and winter weather, as well as running smoothly and quietly: the last thing you’ll want is a unit that disturbs either you or your neighbours during your downtime.
Your unit will need maintaining
Finally, your unit will need regular maintenance to ensure it carries on doing the job intended. A poorly maintained unit will cost more to run and need replacing before its time. Easily maintained units will help you keep on top of any servicing required.
How to choose the best air conditioning unit
In the Brisbane climate, air conditioning is not simply a ‘nice-to-have’; it’s a necessity. Combining the above factors will ensure you get the best air conditioning unit for your circumstance. Our technicians will take into consideration not only how you want your unit to look, but also the other factors which need to be considered to make the right choice:
- Your home’s square meterage
- How many people live in your home
- The insulation you have
- Your home’s orientation to the sun
Only by fully considering all of these questions will you be sure you benefit from the most efficient air conditioner for your home.